Art Happens

Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)


Wat zou er gebeurd zijn als de postmoderne dansers van de Judson Church in New Yorks West Village in het begin van de jaren 60 waren gaan kijken in de ballrooms van Harlem, de bakermat van voguing?

Dat is de vraag die aan grondslag ligt aan Trajal Harrells achtdelige serie Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church. Zijn antwoord is geen historische reconstructie, maar een hedendaagse confrontatie tussen de twee verschillende stijlen die evenwel rond dezelfde tijd en in dezelfde stad ontstonden.


Met twee andere dansers schept Harrell een fascinerende dialoog tussen de improviserende, niet-theatrale school van de postmoderne dans en de uitbundige, gestileerde bewegingen van voguing. Een ontmoeting die, 50 jaar na datum, spannende mogelijkheden biedt in deze avondvullende performance.

DatumVoorstellingStad LandOrganisatie/Plaats
18.03.2025Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Aachen (de)schrit_tmacher Festival
31.05.2025Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Munich (de)Dance Munich
01.06.2025Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Munich (de)Dance Munich
19.12.2024Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Madrid (es)Centro Cultural Conde Duque
18.12.2024Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Madrid (es)Centro Cultural Conde Duque
24.09.2024Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)New Haven (us)Yale University
11.10.2019Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Prague (cz)Four Days Festival
05.05.2019Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Dresden (de)Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden
24.11.2017Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Slivnitsa (bg)DNK space for contemporary dance and performance
15.01.2017Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Los Angeles (us)Hammer Museum
14.01.2017Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Los Angeles (us)Hammer Museum
12.01.2017Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Durham (us)American Dance Festival
14.11.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Athens (gr)Onassis Cultural Centre
13.11.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Athens (gr)Onassis Cultural Centre
05.10.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Hamburg (de)Kampnagel
21.07.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Durham (us)American Dance Festival
20.07.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Durham (us)American Dance Festival
19.07.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Durham (us)American Dance Festival
06.07.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Lausanne (ch)Festival de la Cité
05.07.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Lausanne (ch)Festival de la Cité
30.05.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Montreal (ca)FTA
29.05.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Montreal (ca)FTA
10.04.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Paris (fr)Palais de Tokyo
27.02.2016Made-to-Measure/Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (M2M)Porto (pt)Serralves Museum