Marco da Silva Ferreira (°1986, Santa Maria da Feira) is danser, choreograaf en artistiek directeur van Pensamento Avulso. da Silva Ferreira begon zijn focus op het menselijk lichaam met zwemmen op hoog niveau en met het behalen van een diploma in fysiotherapie. Hoewel hij dit diploma nooit beroepshalve heeft gebruikt, heeft het hem geholpen zich te focussen op de werking van het lichaam in de podiumkunsten. Hij werd professioneel choreograaf op autodidactische wijze door het leren van dansstijlen met Afro-Amerikaanse invloeden in een urban context.
Tussen 2002 en 2010 werden zijn focus en zijn danslexicon steeds diverser en in 2010 won hij de televisiewedstrijd So You Think You Can Dance. Hij debuteerde als choreograaf in 2012 met de solo Nevoeiro 21 en viel het jaar daarop in de prijzen met de opvolger Réplica … éplica (2013). Hij voert een zoektocht naar menselijkheid en broederschap en beschouwt zijn gezelschap en zijn werk hierin als een oefening in het vormen van een gemeenschap. Hu(r)mano (2015) verkende dit gevoel van menselijkheid en broederschap verder, en heeft Ferreira op de kaart van de internationale dans gezet. Hij zette deze verkenning voort in Brother (2016), dat in première ging in Teatro Municipal do Porto en deel uitmaakte van Aerowaves Priority Companies (2018) in Sofia en in Bisonte (2019), dat opnieuw in première ging in Teatro Municipal do Porto. Tussen 2018 en 2019 was hij associate artist bij Teatro Municipal do Porto en tussen 2019 en 2021 was hij associate artist bij Centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie. In 2020 werd hij uitgenodigd om een kort werk te creëren voor de National Ballet Company getiteld Corpos de Baille. In 2022 werd hij uitgenodigd door het Zuid-Afrikaanse dansgezelschap Via Katlehong om samen met choreografe Amala Dijanor Via Injabulo te maken. Zijn aandeel in de creatie heette forms Inførms.
In 2021 werkte hij voor SIRI nauw samen met de Portugese filmmaker Jorge Jácome als onderdeel van de Foundation d’entreprise Hérmes – New Setting Program. In 2022 was hij uitgenodigd door het Zuid-Afrikaanse dansgezelschap Via Katlehong om de voorstelling Via Injabulo samen met choreograaf Amala Dijanor te creëren. Marco’s deel van de voorstelling kreeg de naam førma Inførma. Datzelfde jaar gaf hij vorm aan de voorstelling Fantasie Minor, geproduceerd door CND de Caen en geïnspireerd op Schubert’s Fantasia in F minor, en C A R C A Ç A.
C A R C A Ç A is een onconventionele voorstelling, opgevoerd door 10 dansers, waaronder Marco zelf, en twee muzikanten, die nadenkt over collectieve identiteit, culturele bewaring en transformatie.
In september 2023 maakte Marco samen met muzikant en beeldhouwer João Pais Filipe de nieuwe performance-installatie Terra Cobre. Hier vloeien traditionele Portugese symboliek en cowbell art samen met percussie en dans tot een sonische en sculpturale installatie die een landschap vol herinneringen uitbeeldt.
In 2024 zal hij – a folia choreograferen voor het Ballet de Lorraine en zich baseren op muzikale composities uit het XV-eeuwse Portugal.
Als danser werkte hij onder meer met André Mesquita, Hofesh Shechter, Sylvia Rijmer, Tiago Guedes, Victor Hugo Pontes, Paulo Ribeiro, David Marques. Marco da Silva Ferreira is Associate Artist bij la Maison de la danse en la Biennale de la danse de Lyon.
Datum | Voorstelling | Stad Land | Organisatie/Plaats |
20.09.2024 | C A R C A Ç A (italian premiere) | Turin (it) | Torinodanza |
21.09.2024 | C A R C A Ç A (italian premiere) | Turin (it) | Torinodanza |
24.09.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Cergy-Pontoise/Val d'Oise (fr) | Points Communs |
25.09.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Cergy-Pontoise/Val d'Oise (fr) | Points Communs |
28.09.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Faro (pt) | Teatro das Figuras |
02.10.2024 | Bisonte | Stockholm (se) | Dansens Hus |
03.10.2024 | Bisonte | Stockholm (se) | Dansens Hus |
05.10.2024 | Terra Cobre | Rotterdam (nl) | Feeling Curious?/Theater Rotterdam |
08.11.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Taipei (tw) | National Performing Arts Center/Artquake Festival |
09.11.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Taipei (tw) | National Performing Arts Center/Artquake Festival |
10.11.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Taipei (tw) | National Performing Arts Center/Artquake Festival |
15.11.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Kyoto (jp) | Rohm Theatre Kyoto |
16.11.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Kyoto (jp) | Rohm Theatre Kyoto |
20.11.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Kochi (jp) | The Museum of Art Kochi |
10.12.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Ludwigshafen (de) | Theater im Pfalzbau |
14.12.2024 | Terra Cobre | Bruges (be) | December Dance/Concertgebouw Brugge |
18.12.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Santa Cruz (es) | Auditorio de Tenerife |
19.12.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Santa Cruz (es) | Auditorio de Tenerife |
25.01.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Covilhã (pt) | Teatro Municipal da Covilhã |
07.02.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Perth (au) | Perth Festival |
08.02.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Perth (au) | Perth Festival |
09.02.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Perth (au) | Perth Festival |
19.02.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Villars-sur-Glâne (fr) | Equilibre-Nuithonie |
26.02.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Brest (fr) | Le Quartz |
27.02.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Brest (fr) | Le Quartz |
04.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Le Mans (fr) | Les Quinconces et L'Espal |
06.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Caen (fr) | CCN de Caen / Basse-Normandië |
07.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Caen (fr) | CCN de Caen / Basse-Normandië |
10.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Quimper (fr) | Théâtre de Cornouaille |
11.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Quimper (fr) | Théâtre de Cornouaille |
12.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Quimper (fr) | Théâtre de Cornouaille |
14.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Angers (fr) | Cndc Angers |
28.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Mainz (de) | Tanzmainz festival |
29.03.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Mainz (de) | Tanzmainz festival |
02.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Clermont-Ferrand (fr) | La Comédie de Clermont |
03.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Clermont-Ferrand (fr) | La Comédie de Clermont |
04.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Clermont-Ferrand (fr) | La Comédie de Clermont |
08.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Nîmes (fr) | Théâtre de Nîmes |
11.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Sète (fr) | Théâtre Molière |
15.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Pau (fr) | Espaces Pluriels |
24.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A (cancelled) | Toronto (ca) | Harbourfront |
25.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A (cancelled) | Toronto (ca) | Harbourfront |
26.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A (cancelled) | Toronto (ca) | Harbourfront |
30.04.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Montreal (ca) | Danse Danse |
01.05.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Montreal (ca) | Danse Danse |
02.05.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Montreal (ca) | Danse Danse |
03.05.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Montreal (ca) | Danse Danse |
16.05.2025 | C A R C A Ç A | Braga (pt) | Theatro Circo |
19.07.2024 | Terra Cobre | Aveiro (pt) | Festival dos Canais |
18.07.2024 | Terra Cobre | Aveiro (pt) | Festival dos Canais |
18.06.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Prague (cz) | Tanec Praha Festival /Archa Theater |
05.06.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Salzburg (at) | Sommerszene, SZENE Salzburg |
04.06.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Salzburg (at) | Sommerszene, SZENE Salzburg |
02.06.2024 | Terra Cobre | Porto (pt) | Serralves Museum |
01.06.2024 | Terra Cobre | Porto (pt) | Serralves Museum |
25.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Charleroi (be) | Charleroi danse |
22.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Dublin (ie) | Dublin Dance Festival |
21.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Dublin (ie) | Dublin Dance Festival |
12.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Vilnius (lt) | New Baltic Dance |
11.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Vilnius (lt) | New Baltic Dance |
10.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Vilnius (lt) | New Baltic Dance |
05.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Oslo (no) | Dansens Hus |
04.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Oslo (no) | Dansens Hus |
03.05.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Oslo (no) | Dansens Hus |
12.04.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Poitiers (fr) | Le TAP |
05.04.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Grenoble (fr) | MC2 |
04.04.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Grenoble (fr) | MC2 |
23.03.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Ljubljana (si) | Cankarjev Dom |
20.03.2024 | Bisonte | Budapest (hu) | Trafo |
19.03.2024 | Bisonte | Budapest (hu) | Trafo |
16.03.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Paris (fr) | CENTQUATRE |
15.03.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Paris (fr) | CENTQUATRE |
14.03.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Paris (fr) | CENTQUATRE |
24.02.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Sevilla (es) | Teatro Central |
23.02.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Sevilla (es) | Teatro Central |
14.02.2024 | C A R C A Ç A | Rotterdam (nl) | Theater Rotterdam |
25.11.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Havre (fr) | Le Phare, CCN du Havre Normandie/Le Volcan |
04.11.2023 | Bisonte | Santa Maria de Feira (pt) | Cineteatro António Lamoso |
14.10.2023 | Terra Cobre | Lisbon (pt) | Bienal BoCA / Estufa Fria de Lisboa |
13.10.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Lyon (fr) | Maison de la Danse |
12.10.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Lyon (fr) | Maison de la Danse |
11.10.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Lyon (fr) | Maison de la Danse |
07.10.2023 | Bisonte | Warsaw (pl) | C/U Festival |
06.10.2023 | Bisonte | Warsaw (pl) | C/U Festival |
01.10.2023 | Terra Cobre | Lisbon (pt) | Bienal BoCA / Estufa Fria de Lisboa |
30.09.2023 | Terra Cobre | Lisbon (pt) | Bienal BoCA / Estufa Fria de Lisboa |
28.09.2023 | Terra Cobre (premiere) | Faro (pt) | Bienal BoCA / Museu de Municipal |
17.09.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Dresden (de) | Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden |
16.09.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Dresden (de) | Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden |
15.09.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Dresden (de) | Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden |
02.09.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Dusseldorf (de) | Tanzhaus NRW |
01.09.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Dusseldorf (de) | Tanzhaus NRW |
11.08.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Berlin (de) | Tanz im August |
10.08.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Berlin (de) | Tanz im August |
09.08.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Berlin (de) | Tanz im August |
23.07.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Kalamata (gr) | Kalamata Dance Festival |
22.07.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Kalamata (gr) | Kalamata Dance Festival |
11.07.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Amsterdam (nl) | Julidans |
10.07.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Amsterdam (nl) | Julidans |
07.06.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | O Espaço do Tempo |
03.06.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Ílhavo (pt) | 23 Milhas/Casa da Cultura de Ílhavo |
26.05.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Plovdiv (bg) | One Dance Week |
11.05.2023 | Bisonte | Vilnius (lt) | New Baltic Dance |
10.05.2023 | Bisonte | Vilnius (lt) | New Baltic Dance |
09.05.2023 | Bisonte | Vilnius (lt) | New Baltic Dance |
21.04.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Valencia (es) | Dansa Valencia |
06.04.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Strasbourg (fr) | Le Maillon / POLE-SUD CDCN |
05.04.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Strasbourg (fr) | Le Maillon / POLE-SUD CDCN |
01.04.2023 | C A R C A Ç A (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne) | Villejuif (fr) | Théâtre Romain Rolland |
29.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Brussels (be) | Festival LEGS - Charleroi danse/La Raffinerie |
28.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Brussels (be) | Festival LEGS - Charleroi danse/La Raffinerie |
25.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne) | Tremblay-en-France (fr) | Théâtre Louis Aragon |
21.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne) | Châtillon (fr) | Théâtre de Châtillon |
18.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne) | Créteil (fr) | Maison des Arts Créteil |
17.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne) | Créteil (fr) | Maison des Arts Créteil |
16.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne) | Créteil (fr) | Maison des Arts Créteil |
10.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Barcelona (es) | Dansa Metropolitana/Mercat de les Flors |
09.03.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Barcelona (es) | Dansa Metropolitana/Mercat de les Flors |
08.02.2023 | C A R C A Ç A | Guimarães (pt) | GUIdance/Centro Cultural Vila Flor |
05.02.2023 | Bisonte | Essen (de) | PACT Zollverein |
04.02.2023 | Bisonte | Essen (de) | PACT Zollverein |
19.01.2023 | Brother | Niort (fr) | Le Moulin Du Roc |
17.01.2023 | Brother | Angers (fr) | Cndc Angers |
13.01.2023 | Brother | Clermont-Ferrand (fr) | La Comédie de Clermont |
12.01.2023 | Brother | Clermont-Ferrand (fr) | La Comédie de Clermont |
11.01.2023 | Brother | Clermont-Ferrand (fr) | La Comédie de Clermont |
08.12.2022 | C A R C A Ç A | Bruges (be) | December Dance 2022 |
18.11.2022 | C A R C A Ç A | Chalon-sur-Saône (fr) | Espace des Arts |
15.11.2022 | C A R C A Ç A | Douai (fr) | TANDEM scène national Arras-Douai |
12.11.2022 | C A R C A Ç A | Lille (fr) | NEXT/Le Grand Sud |
11.11.2022 | C A R C A Ç A | Lille (fr) | NEXT/Le Grand Sud |
08.11.2022 | C A R C A Ç A (French Premiere) | Marseille (fr) | KLAP |
28.10.2022 | C A R C A Ç A | Lisbon (pt) | Centro Cultural De Belém |
27.10.2022 | C A R C A Ç A | Lisbon (pt) | Centro Cultural De Belém |
22.10.2022 | C A R C A Ç A (WORLD PREMIERE) | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |
21.10.2022 | C A R C A Ç A (WORLD PREMIERE) | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |
17.10.2022 | SIRÍ | Bordeaux (fr) | La Manufacture CDCN |
27.09.2022 | Bisonte | Rotterdam (nl) | Theater Rotterdam |
05.06.2022 | Bisonte | Plovdiv (bg) | One Dance Week |
21.05.2022 | SIRÍ | Alfortville (fr) | Le Poc |
18.05.2022 | SIRÍ | Strasbourg (fr) | POLE-SUD |
17.05.2022 | SIRÍ | Strasbourg (fr) | POLE-SUD |
05.05.2022 | Brother | Bordeaux (fr) | La Manufacture CDCN |
07.04.2022 | Brother | Besançon (fr) | Les 2 scènes - Scène nationale de Besançon |
06.04.2022 | Brother | Besançon (fr) | Les 2 scènes - Scène nationale de Besançon |
05.04.2022 | Brother | Besançon (fr) | Les 2 scènes - Scène nationale de Besançon |
01.04.2022 | Brother | La Rochelle (fr) | La Coursive |
31.03.2022 | Brother | La Rochelle (fr) | La Coursive |
22.01.2022 | Bisonte | Saint-Brieuc (fr) | La Passerelle |
19.01.2022 | Bisonte | Choisy-le-Roi (fr) | Théâtre Cinéma |
30.11.2021 | Bisonte | Arras/Douai (fr) | TANDEM scène nationale Arras-Douai |
26.11.2021 | Bisonte | Vitry-sur-Seine (fr) | Théâtre Jean Vilar |
24.11.2021 | Bisonte | Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (fr) | Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines |
23.11.2021 | Bisonte | Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (fr) | Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines |
03.11.2021 | Bisonte | Leipzig (de) | Euro-scene |
30.10.2021 | Bisonte | Potsdam (de) | Fabrik Potsdam |
29.10.2021 | Bisonte | Potsdam (de) | Fabrik Potsdam |
13.10.2021 | Brother | Caen (fr) | CCN de Caen / Basse-Normandië |
12.10.2021 | Brother | Caen (fr) | CCN de Caen / Basse-Normandië |
24.07.2021 | SIRÍ | Lisbon (pt) | Centro Cultural De Belém |
23.07.2021 | SIRÍ | Lisbon (pt) | Centro Cultural De Belém |
20.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
19.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
18.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
17.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
16.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
15.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
14.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
13.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
12.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
12.07.2021 | Brother | Choisy-le-Roi (fr) | Théâtre Paul Eluard |
11.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
10.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
09.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
08.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
07.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
06.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
05.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
04.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
03.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
03.07.2021 | SIRÍ | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville |
02.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
02.07.2021 | SIRÍ | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville |
01.07.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
01.07.2021 | SIRÍ | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville |
30.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
29.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
28.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
27.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
26.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
25.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
24.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
23.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
22.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
21.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
20.06.2021 | SIRÍ (Online) | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts |
03.06.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Bordeaux (fr) | La Manufacture CDCN |
01.06.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Arras/Douai (fr) | TANDEM scène nationale Arras-Douai |
08.05.2021 | SIRÍ (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Darmstadt (de) | Staatstheater Darmstadt |
07.05.2021 | SIRÍ (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Darmstadt (de) | Staatstheater Darmstadt |
01.05.2021 | SIRÍ (PREMIERE - Online) | Porto (pt) | Festival DDD - Dias da Dança/Teatro Campo Alegre |
30.04.2021 | SIRÍ (PREMIERE - Online) | Porto (pt) | Festival DDD - Dias da Dança/Teatro Campo Alegre |
09.04.2021 | Bisonte (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Arras/Douai (fr) | TANDEM scène nationale Arras-Douai |
07.04.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Arras/Douai (fr) | TANDEM scène nationale Arras-Douai |
02.04.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Limoges (fr) | Centres culturels de Limoges |
27.03.2021 | Bisonte (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Marseille (fr) | KLAP |
24.03.2021 | Bisonte (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Strasbourg (fr) | POLE-SUD |
23.03.2021 | Bisonte (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Strasbourg (fr) | POLE-SUD |
10.03.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Besançon (fr) | Les 2 scènes - Scène nationale de Besançon |
09.03.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Besançon (fr) | Les 2 scènes - Scène nationale de Besançon |
26.02.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Bordeaux (fr) | La Manufacture CDCN |
23.02.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Avignon (fr) | CDC Les Hivernales |
11.02.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Le Mans (fr) | Les Quinconces - L'espal |
10.02.2021 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Le Mans (fr) | Les Quinconces - L'espal |
10.12.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | La Rochelle (fr) | La Coursive |
09.12.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | La Rochelle (fr) | La Coursive |
01.12.2020 | Bisonte (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Arles (fr) | Théâtre d'Arles |
06.11.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Choisy-le-Roi (fr) | Théâtre Paul Eluard |
27.05.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Caen (fr) | CCN de Caen / Basse-Normandië |
26.05.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Caen (fr) | CCN de Caen / Basse-Normandië |
17.05.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Potsdam (de) | Fabrik Potsdam |
16.05.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Potsdam (de) | Fabrik Potsdam |
14.05.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Madrid (es) | Teatros del Canal |
13.05.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Madrid (es) | Teatros del Canal |
03.05.2020 | SIRÍ (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |
02.05.2020 | SIRÍ (PREMIERE - CANCELLED-Covid-19) | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |
30.04.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Sénart (fr) | Théâtre-Sénart, scène nationale |
29.04.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Sénart (fr) | Théâtre-Sénart, scène nationale |
28.04.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Sénart (fr) | Théâtre-Sénart, scène nationale |
24.04.2020 | Brother (CANCELLED - Covid-19) | Vitry-sur-Seine (fr) | Théâtre Jean Vilar |
07.03.2020 | Bisonte | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville/Théâtre des Abbesses |
06.03.2020 | Bisonte | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville/Théâtre des Abbesses |
05.03.2020 | Bisonte | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville/Théâtre des Abbesses |
04.03.2020 | Bisonte | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville/Théâtre des Abbesses |
12.02.2020 | Brother | Liège (be) | Théâtre de Liège |
07.02.2020 | Bisonte | Lyon (fr) | Les Subsistances |
06.02.2020 | Bisonte | Lyon (fr) | Les Subsistances |
05.02.2020 | Bisonte | Lyon (fr) | Les Subsistances |
30.01.2020 | Bisonte | Toulouse (fr) | La Place de la Danse |
22.01.2020 | Brother | Arlon (be) | Maison de la Culture |
17.01.2020 | Brother | Nantes (fr) | Le Grand T |
16.01.2020 | Brother | Nantes (fr) | Le Grand T |
09.01.2020 | Brother | Auch (fr) | Pôle National Cirque |
07.01.2020 | Brother | Saint-Junien (fr) | La Mégisserie |
29.11.2019 | Brother | Bergerac (fr) | Melkior Théâtre/La gare mondiale |
27.11.2019 | Brother | Bourges (fr) | Maison de la culture - scène nationale |
26.11.2019 | Brother | Bourges (fr) | Maison de la culture - scène nationale |
16.11.2019 | Brother | Torres Novas (pt) | Teatro Virginia |
12.11.2019 | Brother | Chalon-sur-Saône (fr) | Espace des Arts |
16.10.2019 | Brother | Montpellier (fr) | ICI - CCN - Occitanie / Pyrénées Méditerranée |
15.10.2019 | Brother | Montpellier (fr) | ICI - CCN - Occitanie / Pyrénées Méditerranée |
11.10.2019 | Brother | Reims (fr) | Le Manège de Reims |
10.10.2019 | Brother | Reims (fr) | Le Manège de Reims |
08.10.2019 | Bisonte (En coréalisation avec FAB 2019) | Bordeaux (fr) | La Manufacture CDCN |
06.07.2019 | Brother | Amsterdam (nl) | Julidans |
30.06.2019 | Brother | Athens (gr) | Hellenic Festival |
29.06.2019 | Brother | Athens (gr) | Hellenic Festival |
06.06.2019 | Bisonte | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | PT.19 |
29.05.2019 | Brother | Corsica (fr) | Théâtre Municipal de Bastia |
24.05.2019 | Brother | Ovar (pt) | Centro de Arte |
21.05.2019 | Brother | Turin (it) | Festival Interplay - Mosaico Danza |
18.04.2019 | Brother | Saint-Ouen (fr) | Espace 1789 |
17.04.2019 | Brother | Saint-Ouen (fr) | Espace 1789 |
06.04.2019 | Bisonte | Lisbon (pt) | São Luiz Teatro Municipal |
05.04.2019 | Bisonte | Lisbon (pt) | São Luiz Teatro Municipal |
29.03.2019 | Brother | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville |
28.03.2019 | Brother | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville |
27.03.2019 | Brother | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville |
26.03.2019 | Brother | Paris (fr) | Théâtre de la Ville |
23.03.2019 | Brother | Marseille (fr) | KLAP |
21.03.2019 | Brother | Strasbourg (fr) | POLE-SUD |
18.03.2019 | Brother | Pau (fr) | Espaces Pluriels |
15.03.2019 | Bisonte | Brussels (be) | Charleroi Danse/La Raffinerie |
12.01.2019 | Bisonte | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |
11.01.2019 | Bisonte | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |
08.10.2018 | Brother | Luxembourg (lu) | Centre Culturel Mamer |
22.09.2018 | Brother | Lyon (fr) | La Biennale de la danse |
21.09.2018 | Brother | Lyon (fr) | La Biennale de la danse |
19.09.2018 | Brother | Saint-Brieuc (fr) | La Passerelle |
18.09.2018 | Brother | Saint-Brieuc (fr) | La Passerelle |
16.06.2018 | Brother | Oslo (no) | Dansens Hus |
15.06.2018 | Brother | Oslo (no) | Dansens Hus |
25.05.2018 | Brother | Loulé (pt) | Cine-Teatro Louletano |
27.04.2018 | Brother | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |
26.04.2018 | Brother | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |
25.03.2018 | Brother | Elefsina (gr) | Aerowaves Spring Forward |
17.03.2018 | Brother | Brest (fr) | Le Quartz |
03.02.2018 | Brother | Ílhavo (pt) | Casa da Cultura |
11.10.2017 | Brother | Charleroi (be) | Charleroi danse |
23.09.2017 | Brother | Minde (pt) | Festival Materiais Diversos |
16.06.2017 | Brother | Évora (pt) | Festival Lá Fora |
09.06.2017 | Brother | Montemor-o-Novo (pt) | PT.17 |
13.05.2017 | Brother | Paris (fr) | Théâtre des Abbesses |
25.03.2017 | Brother | Lisbon (pt) | São Luiz Teatro Municipal |
24.03.2017 | Brother | Lisbon (pt) | São Luiz Teatro Municipal |
21.01.2017 | Brother | Porto (pt) | Teatro Municipal do Porto |