Art Happens

Marco da Silva Ferreira (pt)

tour datesinfo
© José Caldeira

Marco da Silva Ferreira (°1986, Santa Maria da Feira) is dancer, choreographer and artistic director of Pensamento Avulso. Marco ​​started his practice of the body through high performance swimming and by getting a degree in physiotherapy. Although he never used the degree in his professional life, it helped him to decide to focus on the body’s practice in the performing arts. His journey to becoming a professional choreographer was made in a self-taught way through dance styles with African-American influences that flowed in an urban context.

Between 2002 and 2010 his focus and lexicons of dance became increasingly diverse and in 2010 he won the television contest So You Think You Can Dance. He debuted as a choreographer with a solo Nevoeiro 21 in 2012 and won prizes the following year with the successor Réplica … éplica … éplica (2013). In a quest for humanity and fraternity, he views his company and his work as an exercise in community. Hu(r)mano (2015) explored this sense of humanity and fraternity further, and has put Ferreira on the map of international dance. He continued this exploration in Brother (2016), which premiered in Teatro Municipal do Porto and was part of Aerowaves Priority Companies (2018) in Sofia and Bisonte (2019), which again premiered in Teatro Municipal do Porto. Between 2018 and 2019 he was an associate artist at Teatro Municipal do Porto and between 2019 and 2021 he was an associate artist at Center chorégraphique national de Caen in Normandie. In 2020 he was invited to build a short piece for the National Ballet Company entitled Corpos de Baille.

In 2021 he collaborated with the Portuguese filmmaker Jorge Jácome for SIRI as part of the Foundation d’entreprise Hérmes – New Setting Program. In 2022 he was invited by the South African dance company Via Katlehong to create Via Injabulo together with choreographer Amala Dijanor. His part of the creation was called førma Inførma. The same year, he also created Fantasie Minor, produced by CND de Caen and inspired by Schubert’s Fantasia in F minor, and C A R C A Ç A.

C A R C A Ç A is a performer piece with a very diverse cast of ten dancers, including Marco and two musicians, that thinks about collective identity, cultural preservation and transformation.

In September 2023 Marco created the new performance-installation Terra Cobre together with musician and sculptor João Pais Filipe. Here, traditional Portuguese symbolism and cowbell art come together with dance and percussion to result in a sonic and sculptural installation that depicts a landscape full of memories.

In 2024 Marco will choreograph – a folia for the Ballet de Lorraine based on the music composition from the old Portugal in the XV century.

As an interpreter he worked, among others, with André Mesquita, Hofesh Shechter, Sylvia Rijmer, Tiago Guedes, Victor Hugo Pontes, Paulo Ribeiro, David Marques.
Marco da Silva Ferreira is Associate Artist at la Maison de la danse and la Biennale de la danse de Lyon.

DatePerformanceCity CountryOrganisation/Venue
10.03.2025C A R C A Ç A Quimper (fr)Théâtre de Cornouaille
11.03.2025C A R C A Ç A Quimper (fr)Théâtre de Cornouaille
12.03.2025C A R C A Ç A Quimper (fr)Théâtre de Cornouaille
14.03.2025C A R C A Ç A Angers (fr)Cndc Angers
28.03.2025C A R C A Ç A Mainz (de)Tanzmainz festival
29.03.2025C A R C A Ç A Mainz (de)Tanzmainz festival
02.04.2025C A R C A Ç A Clermont-Ferrand (fr)La Comédie de Clermont
03.04.2025C A R C A Ç A Clermont-Ferrand (fr)La Comédie de Clermont
04.04.2025C A R C A Ç A Clermont-Ferrand (fr)La Comédie de Clermont
08.04.2025C A R C A Ç A Nîmes (fr)Théâtre de Nîmes
11.04.2025C A R C A Ç A Sète (fr)Théâtre Molière
15.04.2025C A R C A Ç A Pau (fr)Espaces Pluriels
24.04.2025C A R C A Ç A  (cancelled)Toronto (ca)Harbourfront
25.04.2025C A R C A Ç A  (cancelled)Toronto (ca)Harbourfront
26.04.2025C A R C A Ç A  (cancelled)Toronto (ca)Harbourfront
30.04.2025C A R C A Ç A Montreal (ca)Danse Danse
01.05.2025C A R C A Ç A Montreal (ca)Danse Danse
02.05.2025C A R C A Ç A Montreal (ca)Danse Danse
03.05.2025C A R C A Ç A Montreal (ca)Danse Danse
16.05.2025C A R C A Ç A Braga (pt)Theatro Circo
08.07.2025C A R C A Ç A Stuttgart (de)Colours International Dance Festival
09.07.2025C A R C A Ç A Stuttgart (de)Colours International Dance Festival
02.10.2025C A R C A Ç A Stockholm (se)Dansens Hus
03.10.2025C A R C A Ç A Stockholm (se)Dansens Hus
04.10.2025C A R C A Ç A Stockholm (se)Dansens Hus
16.01.2026C A R C A Ç A Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (fr)Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
17.01.2026C A R C A Ç A Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (fr)Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
28.01.2026C A R C A Ç A Annecy (fr)Bonlieu Scène Nationale
29.01.2026C A R C A Ç A Annecy (fr)Bonlieu Scène Nationale
30.01.2026C A R C A Ç A Annecy (fr)Bonlieu Scène Nationale
03.02.2026C A R C A Ç A Narbonne (fr)Scène nationale Grand Narbonne
05.02.2026C A R C A Ç A Albi (fr)Scène Nationale d’Albi
06.02.2026C A R C A Ç A Albi (fr)Scène Nationale d’Albi
09.02.2026C A R C A Ç A Toulouse (fr)La Place de la Danse X Théâtre de la Cité
10.02.2026C A R C A Ç A Toulouse (fr)La Place de la Danse X Théâtre de la Cité
11.02.2026C A R C A Ç A Toulouse (fr)La Place de la Danse X Théâtre de la Cité
14.02.2026C A R C A Ç A Avignon (fr)CDC Les Hivernales
07.03.2025C A R C A Ç ACaen (fr)CCN de Caen
06.03.2025C A R C A Ç ACaen (fr)CCN de Caen
04.03.2025C A R C A Ç ALe Mans (fr)Les Quinconces et L'Espal
01.03.2025Terra CobreBrest (fr)Le Quartz
28.02.2025Terra CobreBrest (fr)Le Quartz
27.02.2025C A R C A Ç ABrest (fr)Le Quartz
26.02.2025C A R C A Ç ABrest (fr)Le Quartz
22.02.2025BisonteRome (it)Equilibrio Festival / Auditorium Parco della Musica
19.02.2025C A R C A Ç AVillars-sur-Glâne (ch)Equilibre-Nuithonie
09.02.2025C A R C A Ç APerth (au)Perth Festival
08.02.2025C A R C A Ç APerth (au)Perth Festival
07.02.2025C A R C A Ç APerth (au)Perth Festival
02.02.2025C A R C A Ç ALondon (gb)Sadler's Wells
01.02.2025C A R C A Ç ALondon (gb)Sadler's Wells
25.01.2025C A R C A Ç ACovilhã (pt)Teatro Municipal da Covilhã
19.12.2024C A R C A Ç ASanta Cruz (es)Auditorio de Tenerife
18.12.2024C A R C A Ç ASanta Cruz (es)Auditorio de Tenerife
14.12.2024Terra CobreBruges (be)December Dance/Concertgebouw Brugge
10.12.2024C A R C A Ç ALudwigshafen (de)Theater im Pfalzbau
20.11.2024C A R C A Ç AKochi (jp)The Museum of Art Kochi
16.11.2024C A R C A Ç AKyoto (jp)Rohm Theatre Kyoto
15.11.2024C A R C A Ç AKyoto (jp)Rohm Theatre Kyoto
10.11.2024C A R C A Ç ATaipei (tw)National Performing Arts Center/Artquake Festival
09.11.2024C A R C A Ç ATaipei (tw)National Performing Arts Center/Artquake Festival
08.11.2024C A R C A Ç ATaipei (tw)National Performing Arts Center/Artquake Festival
05.10.2024Terra CobreRotterdam (nl) Feeling Curious?/Theater Rotterdam
03.10.2024BisonteStockholm (se)Dansens Hus
02.10.2024BisonteStockholm (se)Dansens Hus
28.09.2024C A R C A Ç AFaro (pt)Teatro das Figuras
25.09.2024C A R C A Ç ACergy-Pontoise/Val d'Oise (fr)Points Communs
24.09.2024C A R C A Ç ACergy-Pontoise/Val d'Oise (fr)Points Communs
21.09.2024C A R C A Ç A  (italian premiere)Turin (it)Torinodanza
20.09.2024C A R C A Ç A  (italian premiere)Turin (it)Torinodanza
19.07.2024Terra CobreAveiro (pt)Festival dos Canais
18.07.2024Terra CobreAveiro (pt)Festival dos Canais
18.06.2024C A R C A Ç APrague (cz)Tanec Praha Festival /Archa Theater
05.06.2024C A R C A Ç ASalzburg (at)Sommerszene, SZENE Salzburg
04.06.2024C A R C A Ç ASalzburg (at)Sommerszene, SZENE Salzburg
02.06.2024Terra CobrePorto (pt)Serralves Museum
01.06.2024Terra CobrePorto (pt)Serralves Museum
25.05.2024C A R C A Ç ACharleroi (be)Charleroi danse
22.05.2024C A R C A Ç ADublin (ie)Dublin Dance Festival
21.05.2024C A R C A Ç ADublin (ie)Dublin Dance Festival
12.05.2024C A R C A Ç AVilnius (lt)New Baltic Dance
11.05.2024C A R C A Ç AVilnius (lt)New Baltic Dance
10.05.2024C A R C A Ç AVilnius (lt)New Baltic Dance
05.05.2024C A R C A Ç AOslo (no)Dansens Hus
04.05.2024C A R C A Ç AOslo (no)Dansens Hus
03.05.2024C A R C A Ç AOslo (no)Dansens Hus
12.04.2024C A R C A Ç APoitiers (fr)Le TAP
05.04.2024C A R C A Ç AGrenoble (fr)MC2
04.04.2024C A R C A Ç AGrenoble (fr)MC2
23.03.2024C A R C A Ç ALjubljana (si)Cankarjev Dom
20.03.2024BisonteBudapest (hu)Trafo
19.03.2024BisonteBudapest (hu)Trafo
16.03.2024C A R C A Ç AParis (fr)CENTQUATRE
15.03.2024C A R C A Ç AParis (fr)CENTQUATRE
14.03.2024C A R C A Ç AParis (fr)CENTQUATRE
24.02.2024C A R C A Ç ASevilla (es)Teatro Central
23.02.2024C A R C A Ç ASevilla (es)Teatro Central
14.02.2024C A R C A Ç ARotterdam (nl)Theater Rotterdam
25.11.2023C A R C A Ç AHavre (fr)Le Phare, CCN du Havre Normandie/Le Volcan
04.11.2023BisonteSanta Maria de Feira (pt)Cineteatro António Lamoso
14.10.2023Terra CobreLisbon (pt)Bienal BoCA / Estufa Fria de Lisboa
13.10.2023C A R C A Ç ALyon (fr)Maison de la Danse
12.10.2023C A R C A Ç ALyon (fr)Maison de la Danse
11.10.2023C A R C A Ç ALyon (fr)Maison de la Danse
07.10.2023BisonteWarsaw (pl)C/U Festival
06.10.2023BisonteWarsaw (pl)C/U Festival
01.10.2023Terra CobreLisbon (pt)Bienal BoCA / Estufa Fria de Lisboa
30.09.2023Terra CobreLisbon (pt)Bienal BoCA / Estufa Fria de Lisboa
28.09.2023Terra Cobre  (premiere)Faro (pt)Bienal BoCA / Museu de Municipal
17.09.2023C A R C A Ç ADresden (de)Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden
16.09.2023C A R C A Ç ADresden (de)Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden
15.09.2023C A R C A Ç ADresden (de)Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden
02.09.2023C A R C A Ç ADusseldorf (de)Tanzhaus NRW
01.09.2023C A R C A Ç ADusseldorf (de)Tanzhaus NRW
11.08.2023C A R C A Ç ABerlin (de)Tanz im August
10.08.2023C A R C A Ç ABerlin (de)Tanz im August
09.08.2023C A R C A Ç ABerlin (de)Tanz im August
23.07.2023C A R C A Ç AKalamata (gr)Kalamata Dance Festival
22.07.2023C A R C A Ç AKalamata (gr)Kalamata Dance Festival
11.07.2023C A R C A Ç AAmsterdam (nl)Julidans
10.07.2023C A R C A Ç AAmsterdam (nl)Julidans
07.06.2023C A R C A Ç AMontemor-o-Novo (pt)O Espaço do Tempo
03.06.2023C A R C A Ç AÍlhavo (pt)23 Milhas/Casa da Cultura de Ílhavo
26.05.2023C A R C A Ç APlovdiv (bg)One Dance Week
11.05.2023BisonteVilnius (lt)New Baltic Dance
10.05.2023BisonteVilnius (lt)New Baltic Dance
09.05.2023BisonteVilnius (lt)New Baltic Dance
21.04.2023C A R C A Ç AValencia (es)Dansa Valencia
06.04.2023C A R C A Ç AStrasbourg (fr)Le Maillon / POLE-SUD CDCN
05.04.2023C A R C A Ç AStrasbourg (fr)Le Maillon / POLE-SUD CDCN
01.04.2023C A R C A Ç A  (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne)Villejuif (fr)Théâtre Romain Rolland
29.03.2023C A R C A Ç ABrussels (be)Festival LEGS - Charleroi danse/La Raffinerie
28.03.2023C A R C A Ç ABrussels (be)Festival LEGS - Charleroi danse/La Raffinerie
25.03.2023C A R C A Ç A  (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne)Tremblay-en-France (fr)Théâtre Louis Aragon
21.03.2023C A R C A Ç A  (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne)Châtillon (fr)Théâtre de Châtillon
18.03.2023C A R C A Ç A  (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne)Créteil (fr)Maison des Arts Créteil
17.03.2023C A R C A Ç A  (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne)Créteil (fr)Maison des Arts Créteil
16.03.2023C A R C A Ç A  (In the context of la Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne)Créteil (fr)Maison des Arts Créteil
10.03.2023C A R C A Ç ABarcelona (es)Dansa Metropolitana/Mercat de les Flors
09.03.2023C A R C A Ç ABarcelona (es)Dansa Metropolitana/Mercat de les Flors
08.02.2023C A R C A Ç AGuimarães (pt)GUIdance/Centro Cultural Vila Flor
05.02.2023BisonteEssen (de)PACT Zollverein
04.02.2023BisonteEssen (de)PACT Zollverein
08.12.2022C A R C A Ç ABruges (be)December Dance 2022
18.11.2022C A R C A Ç AChalon-sur-Saône (fr)Espace des Arts
15.11.2022C A R C A Ç ADouai (fr)TANDEM scène national Arras-Douai
12.11.2022C A R C A Ç ALille (fr)NEXT/Le Grand Sud
11.11.2022C A R C A Ç ALille (fr)NEXT/Le Grand Sud
08.11.2022C A R C A Ç A  (French Premiere)Marseille (fr)KLAP
28.10.2022C A R C A Ç ALisbon (pt)Centro Cultural De Belém
27.10.2022C A R C A Ç ALisbon (pt)Centro Cultural De Belém
22.10.2022C A R C A Ç A  (WORLD PREMIERE)Porto (pt)Teatro Municipal do Porto
21.10.2022C A R C A Ç A  (WORLD PREMIERE)Porto (pt)Teatro Municipal do Porto
17.10.2022SIRÍBordeaux (fr)La Manufacture CDCN
27.09.2022BisonteRotterdam (nl)Theater Rotterdam
05.06.2022BisontePlovdiv (bg)One Dance Week
21.05.2022SIRÍAlfortville (fr)Le Poc
18.05.2022SIRÍStrasbourg (fr)POLE-SUD
17.05.2022SIRÍStrasbourg (fr)POLE-SUD
22.01.2022BisonteSaint-Brieuc (fr)La Passerelle
19.01.2022BisonteChoisy-le-Roi (fr)Théâtre Cinéma
30.11.2021BisonteArras/Douai (fr)TANDEM scène nationale Arras-Douai
26.11.2021BisonteVitry-sur-Seine (fr)Théâtre Jean Vilar
24.11.2021BisonteSaint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (fr)Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
23.11.2021BisonteSaint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (fr)Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
03.11.2021BisonteLeipzig (de)Euro-scene
30.10.2021BisontePotsdam (de)Fabrik Potsdam
29.10.2021BisontePotsdam (de)Fabrik Potsdam
24.07.2021SIRÍLisbon (pt)Centro Cultural De Belém
23.07.2021SIRÍLisbon (pt)Centro Cultural De Belém
20.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
19.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
18.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
17.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
16.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
15.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
14.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
13.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
12.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
11.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
10.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
09.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
08.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
07.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
06.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
05.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
04.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
03.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
03.07.2021SIRÍParis (fr)Théâtre de la Ville
02.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
02.07.2021SIRÍParis (fr)Théâtre de la Ville
01.07.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
01.07.2021SIRÍParis (fr)Théâtre de la Ville
30.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
29.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
28.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
27.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
26.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
25.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
24.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
23.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
22.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
21.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
20.06.2021SIRÍ  (Online)Montemor-o-Novo (pt)Portuguese Platform for Perfroming Arts
08.05.2021SIRÍ  (CANCELLED - Covid-19)Darmstadt (de)Staatstheater Darmstadt
07.05.2021SIRÍ  (CANCELLED - Covid-19)Darmstadt (de)Staatstheater Darmstadt
01.05.2021SIRÍ  (PREMIERE - Online)Porto (pt)Festival DDD - Dias da Dança/Teatro Campo Alegre
30.04.2021SIRÍ  (PREMIERE - Online)Porto (pt)Festival DDD - Dias da Dança/Teatro Campo Alegre
09.04.2021Bisonte  (CANCELLED - Covid-19)Arras/Douai (fr)TANDEM scène nationale Arras-Douai
27.03.2021Bisonte  (CANCELLED - Covid-19)Marseille (fr)KLAP
24.03.2021Bisonte  (CANCELLED - Covid-19)Strasbourg (fr)POLE-SUD
23.03.2021Bisonte  (CANCELLED - Covid-19)Strasbourg (fr)POLE-SUD
01.12.2020Bisonte  (CANCELLED - Covid-19)Arles (fr)Théâtre d'Arles
03.05.2020SIRÍ  (CANCELLED - Covid-19)Porto (pt)Teatro Municipal do Porto
02.05.2020SIRÍ  (PREMIERE - CANCELLED-Covid-19)Porto (pt)Teatro Municipal do Porto
07.03.2020BisonteParis (fr)Théâtre de la Ville/Théâtre des Abbesses
06.03.2020BisonteParis (fr)Théâtre de la Ville/Théâtre des Abbesses
05.03.2020BisonteParis (fr)Théâtre de la Ville/Théâtre des Abbesses
04.03.2020BisonteParis (fr)Théâtre de la Ville/Théâtre des Abbesses
07.02.2020BisonteLyon (fr)Les Subsistances
06.02.2020BisonteLyon (fr)Les Subsistances
05.02.2020BisonteLyon (fr)Les Subsistances
30.01.2020BisonteToulouse (fr)La Place de la Danse
08.10.2019Bisonte  (En coréalisation avec FAB 2019)Bordeaux (fr)La Manufacture CDCN
06.06.2019BisonteMontemor-o-Novo (pt)PT.19
06.04.2019BisonteLisbon (pt)São Luiz Teatro Municipal
05.04.2019BisonteLisbon (pt)São Luiz Teatro Municipal
15.03.2019BisonteBrussels (be)Charleroi Danse/La Raffinerie
12.01.2019BisontePorto (pt)Teatro Municipal do Porto
11.01.2019BisontePorto (pt)Teatro Municipal do Porto